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So what did I learn? 

For the last 7 months, I have basically been researching narcissism, but haven’t known what I was expecting to find in the end. Now that I am at the end of my research, I realize that I haven’t concluded anything big, impactful, or previously unknown to us. I simply concluded that people do, in fact, like to look at themselves. Some people more than others, but ultimately, people enjoy looking at themselves. I guess the true conclusion of my project is that you like looking at yourself, so if you want to take a hundred selfies in a short time period or pay a professional hundreds of dollars to take your headshot, do it. In the words of Justin Bieber, “if you like the way you look that much, oh, baby, you should go and love yourself.” Ignore what others might think of you because you should be able to do what you want with your face. Self confidence should be promoted not dissed on. 

"Why do I like looking at myself? 

Because I like to see pretty things."

-Mafe Campos 

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